Latest P2P news

June 12, 2009 Peerialism AB delivers video distribution system (project name PeerTV) to MPS Broadband AB. May 15, 2009 Academic paper "NATCracker: NAT Combinations Matter" Roberto Roverso, our Junior Researcher and Ph.D. student, got the paper  published at the 18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2009). From the abstract: "This paper advances the state-of-the art of NAT Traversal by providing a formalization of Network Address Translator behaviors and a detailed analysis of all possible traversal techniques depending on such behaviors." May 7, 2009 Peerialism AB receives Vinnova grant. Peerialism was elected for a Vinnova grant for a pre-study to a project regarding P2P-based distributed storage. In Swedish. May 5, 2009 Seed Camp: Mini Seedcamp Helsingborg Winners Arctic Startup: Mini Seedcamp Helsingborg - Sunshine Story In The Pouring…
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