Peer-to-peer overlay networks

Peerialism AB develops peerialistic solutions to transport and store data on the Internet. Example solutions are video distribution for content owners and IP traffic optimization for broadband operators. The solutions are based on new generation Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technologies characterized by better use of networks resources and ISP friendliness. Peerialism captures more of the large assets of unused computing power and broadband connections whilst at the same time being beneficial to ISPs by reducing network traffic. Peerialism is now launching a P2P streaming solution for content owners.
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Latest P2P news

June 12, 2009 Peerialism AB delivers video distribution system (project name PeerTV) to MPS Broadband AB. May 15, 2009 Academic paper "NATCracker: NAT Combinations Matter" Roberto Roverso, our Junior Researcher and Ph.D. student, got the paper  published at the 18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2009). From the abstract: "This paper advances the state-of-the art of NAT Traversal by providing a formalization of Network Address Translator behaviors and a detailed analysis of all possible traversal techniques depending on such behaviors." May 7, 2009 Peerialism AB receives Vinnova grant. Peerialism was elected for a Vinnova grant for a pre-study to a project regarding P2P-based distributed storage. In Swedish. May 5, 2009 Seed Camp: Mini Seedcamp Helsingborg Winners Arctic Startup: Mini Seedcamp Helsingborg - Sunshine Story In The Pouring…
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These are academic papers and articles produced by the members of the Peerialism team.   Title Author Date Description or abstract Cloud computing - gå på moln eller tankar i det blå Gabriel Sandberg March 2, 2009 Cloud computing has for the past few years been a buzz word. The advantages are supposedly undeniable. Many companies provide advanced services based on cloud computing which is said to increase efficiency and security at the same or lower cost. Some claim that it is a new way to relate to the Internet, perhaps even to data management overall. This is an attempt to describe what differentiates cloud computing from other phenomena, to give an overview of a number of ongoing debates, and to propose plausible future developments. (In Swedish.) NATCracker: NAT Combinations…
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